Family Psychology Association of Iran



Abstract: Families apply their own parenting methods for individual and social training of their children. These methods include models of child rearing that are shaped by interaction between behavior of parents and their reactions to children's behaviors. For assessing these methods, different kinds of scales and instruments have been proposed. The aim of this study was to investigate psychometric properties of Arjmandnia Parenting Methods Scale (APMS) on families who have children with intellectual disabilities. This research was a cross-correlational research. The population of this study included all parents who have children with intellectual disability in Tehran. Arjmandnia Parenting Methods Scale (APMS) and the Baumrind Parenting Styles (BPS) were administrated to 300 parents who were selected according to availability sampling method. The results of exploratory factor analysis revealed the validity of the five factors of the scale as indicators of internal consistency (Cronbach's Alpha and Theta respectively) and also the split half method indicated favorable credit for the scale and its components. The results show that the APMS has appropriate characteristics and totally can be used in the Iranian sample.


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