Family Psychology Association of Iran



Discrepancy between actual perceived self and what the individual considers as standard guidelines, can results in unpleasant mental and emotional outcomes. So it can affect the form and maintaining relation of couples and their life satisfaction. The aim of the present study was to examine the comparison of self-discrepancy among divorcing and non-divorcing individuals. A total of 239 volunteers (122 divorcing and 117 non-divorcing individuals), in Tehran, participated in this study. All participants were asked to complete Self-Discrepancy Index (SDI). The results showed that the divorcing individuals reported significantly higher on levels of self-discrepancy. The results also revealed that personal actual-ought self-discrepancy, personal actual-feared self-discrepancy, others actual-ought self-discrepancy, and others actual/ feared self-discrepancy were different in the two groups. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the distance between selves and realities can provide dissatisfaction in couples, and subsequently marital disruption can follow. In other words, each couple, based on certain patterns of self-discrepancy among aspects of selves, can experience different emotional consequences, so their conflict can create problems for them. The comparison between selves can affect marital satisfaction, so that it can lead to dissolution of marital relationship.


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